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State: Approved



Enforcing Named Bindings in Ecto Queries


Ecto allows the use of named bindings when composing queries. We will enforce named bindings across all queries in our codebase.

Clarity and Readability

Named bindings indicate what each part of the query references, reducing confusion and increasing the code's maintainability.

Avoiding Errors

When queries are combined, positional bindings can lead to operations being applied to the wrong entities, causing subtle bugs. Named bindings eliminate this risk by explicitly naming each binding.


Adopting a standard practice across the codebase simplifies onboarding and code reviews.


  • Refactoring Effort: Existing queries using positional bindings will need to be refactored to use named bindings.
  • Learning Curve: Developers need to get accustomed to consistently using named bindings.


  • You MUST use named bindings in all Ecto queries except when impossible.

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