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State: Approved



URL Path Design


The lack of alignment in URL design across products causes multiple issues in software development.

Suboptimal SEO where some Search Engines don't recognize underscores in URLs. A URL containing "my_page" will be indexed as "my page" (as one term) while a URL containing "my-page" will be indexed as "my" "page" (as two terms).

Worth saying that this is primarily how Google Search Engine does things, regardless, it is safe to say that it is prudent following Google Search optimizations.

Suboptimal user-experience since camelCase and underscore also require the user to use the shift key, whereas hyphenated does not on desktop keywords; and characters like underscore are hidden behind special symbols in mobile phones keywords.

Lack of shared tooling, forcing developers to reimplement tools or promoting bikeshedding.


These rules apply to URL Paths. URL Query Params have their own rules.

Creating "perfect software" is close to impossible. The following suggestions may feel like suggestions because we don't have the full scope of the situation.

Therefore, you MAY follow the following resolutions unless you have a technical limitation. You MUST assumed such rules de facto in conversations.

You MUST use the following characters anywhere in the path:

  • U+0061 to U+007A ("a-z")
  • U+0030 to U+0039 ("0-9")
  • U+007E ("~")
  • U+002E (".")
  • U+0080 and above (non-ASCII Unicode characters; not recommended, not URL safe)

You MAY use the following characters are allowed in path, except as the first or last character:

  • U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, "-"

  • U+005F LOW LINE, "_”

  • You MUST separate terms using hyphen character

  • You MUST use underscore for new compound words or composed terms

  • You MUST use non-reserved characters, URL safe characters specified in RFC 3986

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